Guess what special fun thing we get to do in a few weeks? I am taking any and all suggestions on a creative way to punish the Spotted Airhead for this.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Well The Spotted Airhead Has Done It Now!
Kitties - Sassy here. Well, the Spotted Airhead (otherwise known as Callie by those that don't know her) has gone and done it now! See here is what happened. We cats have been expecting to get something bad, bad in the mail that we did not what Mommie to see, so we have been monitoring the mail to get it removed before Mommie could see it. It was Callie's turn to listen for the mailman. But she got distracted trying on her tiaras or something and she didn't hear the mail arrive. And this is what Mommie got.......
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
The Very Most Best Boycat Friend In The World!
Kitties - Callie here. On Christmas Eve I got the best gift in the world. See, I was sitting at home feeling blue because I was missing my Sweet Ba-Boo, Kozmo. Then suddenly there was a knock on the door. The man in really unflattering clothing (brown is so yesterday, fashion-wise!) brought a package for ME! It was from the BEST boycat friend in the world! So Mommie put the packages on the floor for me the inspect.
One package had a Mousie chase ring. Kozmo got it for me so that I could learn how to catch mousies like he does. I played and played with it!
In the second box was a big jar of these wonderful things called Bonito flakes. They tasted great! I ate and ate them!
Kozmo - you are the King of Boycat Friends! I love you!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Our Secret Paws Package Has Arrived!!
Kitties - We got our Secret Paws package Tuesday! We waited to post about it because Wednesday is Hot Mancat day and you know - priorities! Our Secret Paws is Adan and Lego of Adan-way blog. The package came all of the way from Taiwan! After Mommie brought the package in, we of course had to inspect it.
Sassy really liked the cat scratchers.
We got some great stuff from Adan and Lego. Look at this haul!
We got these great Silvervine treats - you can't get these here in the US (at least not that Mommie can find).
Sassy really liked the cat scratchers.
My favorite was the wand toy. It goes fast, fast thru the air. But not as fast as my paw! HA!
THANK YOU Adan and Lego! We love our prezzies!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Hot Mancats of the Blogosphere: Nerissa
Kitties - This week's Hot Mancat of the Blogosphere is Nerissa of Nerissa's Life. Now while Nerissa may have a girl's name, he makes up for that with his handsome looks!
Oh, my...I have always been a sucker for a Mancat in glasses....
Nerissa, you are a Hot Mancat of the Blogosphere. Your many ladycat fans want to know:
1. What do you think is your most handsome mancat feature? Well, I’ve got that cute little beauty mark on my chin. The
peep says it’s the secret to my kittenish charm. I think she might be right.
2. Describe your perfect ladycat. My perfect ladycat is one who reads my blog and tells me
that she likes it, even if she doesn’t. Who laughs at my jokes even when she
thinks they aren’t funny. Who repeats the words I’ve invented, helping me to
get them into the next version of Websters or whatever. Who doesn’t complain about
my addiction to the nip. And who leaves me a little cream in the saucer even if
she does get there first.
3. What would be your idea of a perfect date? I’ve only ever been on one date and that was taking LBK to
anipalprom. It was pretty much perfect. The only thing that would have made it
more perfect was if I hadn’t ended up in Twitmo for tweeting too much. Oh that
twitter jail. MOUSES!
4. What is your best pickup line with the ladycats? Hmmm…. I don’t think I have one. I just smile at the ladies
and purr a lot.
5. What advice would you give to the ladycats out there who
would like to snag a hot mancat like you? Well, I love the nip and pretty much anyone who has nip,
will catch my eye. I think a lot of us hot mancats are into the nip. And
whatever you do, don’t snicker at us if we have a bit too much of the stuff. I
mean there’s nothing wrong with enjoying a little nip, right?
6. What advice would you give to all the hot mancat wannabes
out there? One thing I’ve had a hard time overcoming is the fact that
my ol’ peep gave me a girls’ name. It’s a real disability when meeting the
ladies, you know? Get yourself a manly name and if you don’t have that, a manly
nickname will suffice. My BFF Herman came up with the name Niss for me and that
works for me.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Monday Musings With Sassy: Of Cat Beds and Brats
Kitties - Sassy here. Today's musings is about the mind of a Brat Cat (I think you know who I am talking about!!) Okay, remember last week when Mommie got me my new bed and Callie gave me so much grief about it being a "dog" bed? Well, as it turns out, the Spotted Airhead really liked the "dog" bed and wouldn't stay out of it. So, Mommie changed her mind about buying her a new bling-bling collar for Christmas and instead got her a new bed.
But now here is the crazy thing. Even though the Spotted Airhead's bed is the exact same bed as mine, she is still insisting that mine is a "yucky dog" bed. While her's is a "Designer Deluxe Cat Lounger, lined in rare Himalayan Sheep Wool".
But now here is the crazy thing. Even though the Spotted Airhead's bed is the exact same bed as mine, she is still insisting that mine is a "yucky dog" bed. While her's is a "Designer Deluxe Cat Lounger, lined in rare Himalayan Sheep Wool".
Friday, December 14, 2012
Christmas Carols Redux by Calle: Do You Smell What I Smell?
Kitties - Here is the next in my series of Christmas Carols redone. This one was formerly called "Do You Hear What I Hear?". But it was kind of boring, about people hearing things or something, so I improved upon it. Are you ready to sing along?
"Do you smell what I smell?
Way up atop the cabinet
Do you smell what I smell?
Some nip, some nip, smelling so good
Making my eyes pinwheel around!
Making my eyes pinwheel around!
Said Clever
Callie to Sweet Sassy
Can you climb up that high?
If you can, the treasure is ours
Can you climb up that high?
Some nip,
Some nip, go get it for me
Maybe I will share some with you!
Maybe I will share some with you!
Remember to Sing Loud, Sing Long and Sing Often!!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
My Early Christmas Present
Kitties - Sassy here. Today Mommie gave me an early Christmas present! You see, I am a full-figured type of cat. Most of the beds made for kitties are only for those skinny sack of bones type kitties. When I lay down in them, my fluffiness overflowed! So Mommie went to the store and got me a special big kitty bed. Here it is -
Now when Callie saw this, she laughed and said that Mommie had to buy me a "dog!" bed because of my big bones. But I know that this is not true because Mommie showed me the label with a cat on it. Although, I will admit, they did pick a very...hmmm..unfortunate looking cat to model!
And here is a picture of me enjoying my specially made Big Kitty Bed.
(P.S. the stuff you see on my bed is some crushed catnip to make it smell yummy!)
Now when Callie saw this, she laughed and said that Mommie had to buy me a "dog!" bed because of my big bones. But I know that this is not true because Mommie showed me the label with a cat on it. Although, I will admit, they did pick a very...hmmm..unfortunate looking cat to model!
And here is a picture of me enjoying my specially made Big Kitty Bed.
(P.S. the stuff you see on my bed is some crushed catnip to make it smell yummy!)
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Hot Mancats of the Blogosphere: Eric
Kitties - Sassy here. Today we have another dose of Orange English Handsomeness! This week's Hot Mancat is Eric of Two Devon Cats. Last week you read about his brother, Flynn. Hmmm, two handsome mancats in one location....this is a trend I could support!
Eric, you are a Hot Mancat of the Blogosphere! Ladycats want to know:
What would be your idea of the perfect date? I can think of nothing better
than curling up with the lady of my dreams in front of a roaring log fire
sharing niptinis and tuna.
What is your best pickup line with the ladycats ? How do you convince the ladycats that you are
more handsome than Flynn?
We had a new cat tree
earlier in the year and it has a nice big top for laying out on. I think I
would ask the ladycats if they would like to visit my tree and share the view with
me. Why would I need to convince them
that I am more handsome than Flynn? I am sure they can see that for themselves.
Mum says I have a lovely big handsome face.
What advice would you give to all of the hot mancat wannabe’s out there? Just be yourself. The ladies prefer that, and always treat them with respect.
Well Ladies, after seeing these two handsome English boys, who wants to move to England??
Eric, you are a Hot Mancat of the Blogosphere! Ladycats want to know:
Describe your perfect ladycat. I do have a special ladycat
friend, Rosie from Rosie and Cheeto, but
sadly we don't see each other often any more. I am a lover and a snuggler so I
like the same qualities in a ladycat.
What advice would you give to the ladycats out there who
would like to snag a hot mancat like you? They say the way to a man's heart
is through his stomach and I am no different. Seriously though, I like a lady
who takes pride in her appearance. I love a bit of ear washing and am very good
at returning it. As I said earlier, I rarely see my ladycat so if anyone is
looking for a hot older mancat, here I am.
What advice would you give to all of the hot mancat wannabe’s out there? Just be yourself. The ladies prefer that, and always treat them with respect.
Well Ladies, after seeing these two handsome English boys, who wants to move to England??
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Christmas Carol Redux by Callie
Kitties - I am sure that like me you are starting to get tired of the same ol' Christmas Carols year after year. So I decided to modernize and redo some carols this year. This song used to be boring ol' Silent Night. Now it is the exciting and thrilling "Silent Meow". Are you ready to sing along?
Silent meow, quiet meow
It’s fun to see how loud I can be!
Go back to sleep Mommie.
Go back to sleep Mommie.
Silent meow, quiet meow
What Mommie begs for nightly
But I wanna meow at 3 am!It’s fun to see how loud I can be!
Go back to sleep Mommie.
Go back to sleep Mommie.
Silent meow, quiet meow
Mommie wakes at the sound
Won’t she enjoy my dawn singing?
Surely that’s why she throws her
Hark, Callie is singing!
Hark, Callie is singing!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
I Have A Secret!
Kitties - Gather around. I have a secret to tell you!
I know what Mommie got our Secret Paws!
It is some really good stuff!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Hot Mancats of the Blogosphere: Flynn
Kitties - I am sorry that we have not posted or visited much this week. Here is Dallas it is unseasonably warm (in the low 80's during the daytime) and this is causing Mommie's sinuses to "explode" she says. I am not too sure what this means, but apparently it requires the human to lay in bed and whine for hours on end about pounding heads and stupid crazy weather! Anyway, let's talk about something much more interesting....Hot Mancats!!
Today's Mancat is an orange English dream. It is Flynn of Eric and Flynn.
Describe your perfect ladycat. I have two special ladycat
friends. Grr from Grr, Midnight and Cocoa who I have known since I started
blogging six years ago, and Sweet Pea from Katnip Lounge. They are both very
different, Grr is black and Sweet Pea is white. They are both beautiful. I like
a ladycat with a hint of danger. Actually Grr has more than a hint as Humans
often find out. I like a ladycat who is willing to join me in hunts for mousies
or other bugs.
So Kitties - did you enjoy today's English Orange Dreamy Mancat? Well, hang on, because next week we will have even more!!
Today's Mancat is an orange English dream. It is Flynn of Eric and Flynn.
Flynn, you are a Hot Mancat of the Blogosphere! Your adoring ladycat fans wants to know:
What do you think is your most handsome mancat feature? I work very hard to keep in shape
so am proud of my manly fizz-eek. I keep my muscles well toned which is
essential for catching mice.

What would be your idea of the perfect date? Have you and Eric ever competed for the same
ladycat? Although Eric and I do a lot
together, we actually have very different personalities so have never competed
for the same ladycat.
Describe your perfect date. My perfect date would be a day
out hunting with the lady of my dreams, followed by a picnic under a blue sky
and warm sun. In the evening we would share nip and valerian on my nippy quilt.
I am a gentlemancat so will just say that I would make sure I escorted my lady
safely home afterwards.
What is your best pickup line with the ladycats ? I know where there are some nice
plump and tender mousies. Would you like to come for a stroll in the fields
with me?
What advice would you give to the ladycats out there who
would like to snag a hot mancat like you? As well as being indoors, I love
to play outside, so a ladycat who loves to hunt and play outdoors is sure to
get my attention.
What advice would you give to all of the hot mancat wannabe’s
out there? Just as Eric and I have different
personalities, so do the ladycats. If you find one you are attracted to, take
time to find her preferences and act accordingly.So Kitties - did you enjoy today's English Orange Dreamy Mancat? Well, hang on, because next week we will have even more!!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Hot Mancats of the Blogosphere: Spitty
Kitties - Sassy here. Sorry we are a little late posting this week's Hot Mancat. See, here is what happened. When I heard that it was going to be Spitty, I swiped Mom's computer and well, I may have drooled just a little too much over his pictures. Do you know how long it takes for a keyboard to dry out?
Do you find that your royal title helps attact the ladies and what is your best pickup line with the ladycats? No, mostly the LadyCats aren't too interested in my Royal Station in Life. They are not social-climbers--they're more curtain climbers. Alas, 'tis true and pity 'tis 'tis true. Or whatever. Meow. Spitty would nefur stoop to anything so low as a "pickup line." Spitty always speaks from his little ManCatly heart. We will leave "pickup lines" to insincere, lounge-lizard Humans.
Kitties - Sassy here again. Well, at this point, I usually encourage you to snag this hot mancat, but I think Spitty has already added all of the ladycats to his harem!
Spitty, you are a Hot Mancat of the Blogosphere! Your adoring ladycat fans wants to know:
What do you think is your most handsome mancat
feature? Without a doubt, my floofy tail (or tailio, as I like to
call it). It is floofy, and luxuriant and long. I swish it with glee!
Without going into specific details because we
all know how that will get you into trouble, describe your perfect ladycat. My purrfect LadyCat is one who shares my joie de vivre and my snarky sense of
humor. She has a spirit of adventure but doesn't mind that I am skeered of bags
and boxes. She has to understand that while I love my Human in my way, I cannot
be a lap cat or a snuggler with the Humans, and I will probably not luff her Human(s). Also, she sees monogamy as
one of those Stoopy Human Rules that do not apply to us superior beings. I have
plenty of love in my heart for all my LadyCats!
What would be your idea of the perfect
date? Has being the King helped you get
dates? Well, the purrfect date would be meeting up at Castle Spitty
late at night, sharing a dab of Turkey Gerbers and a little sip of
half-and-half from the same bowl. Then we would curl up in my pink beddy and
give each other a good face-grooming and ear-washing. They we would have a nice
nap. Sometimes, I like virtual outdoor activities like camping or clubbing and
I'm open to new adventures. But mostly I'm kind of a homebody. I luff to share
my toys!
Do you find that your royal title helps attact the ladies and what is your best pickup line with the ladycats? No, mostly the LadyCats aren't too interested in my Royal Station in Life. They are not social-climbers--they're more curtain climbers. Alas, 'tis true and pity 'tis 'tis true. Or whatever. Meow. Spitty would nefur stoop to anything so low as a "pickup line." Spitty always speaks from his little ManCatly heart. We will leave "pickup lines" to insincere, lounge-lizard Humans.
What advice would you give to the ladycats out
there who would like to snag a hot mancat like you? Oh heck, I'm easy! I can be snagged with a little trill or
purr and a come-hither look! I like long fur, short fur, chubby kitties,
slender kitties, white, black, calico, tabbies, torties, siamese, you name it!
So my advice is Be Yourself and Spitty (or some other ManCat--or ManCats) will come running to your side!
What advice would you give to all of the hot
mancat wannabe’s out there? Oh my, just be honest and sincere and attentive and treat
the LadyCats with respect. Save your snarkiness and superior catitude for the
Humans, and give the LadyCats luff and affection and attention.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Monday Musings With Sassy: Christmas Spirit
Kitties, Sassy here. Today I want to talk about the Christmas spirit. When thinking about Christmas, I picture, at least weather-wise, a winter day, with if not snow, at least cool temperatures. However, this morning I watched Mommie get up this morning and dress in SHORTS and a TSHIRT to go on a walk! It was in the mid-seventies today!
How does a full-furred cat like me get in the Christmas spirit with summer temps? Oh, bah humbug! I am going to go take a nap in front of the fan!
How does a full-furred cat like me get in the Christmas spirit with summer temps? Oh, bah humbug! I am going to go take a nap in front of the fan!
Friday, November 23, 2012
My Thanksgiving Poem
My Thanksgiving Poem
Thanksgiving I am thankful for Mommie,
Except when
she says “No, Trouble!”
Why does she
have to yell like a Commie?
Doesn’t she
know that just makes me do it double?
Thanksgiving I am thankful for Sassy, my big sisfur,
She is so
much fun to chase,
I chase her
until we are a blur,
But why does
she keep meowing for a can of Mace?
Thanksgiving I am thankful for my Sweet Ba-Boo, Kozmo,
He saved me
from a crazy, stinky Eggroll Eater,
I am so
happy he is my Beau!
He couldn’t
be sweeter!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Hot Mancats of the Blogosphere -- Austin
Kitties - Sassy here. this week's Hot Mancat is one of my favorites. He has long been my not-so-secret crush, Austin. He is one handsome mancat, and ladies, let me tell you, when he starts softly meowing in Welsh....Oh.My.Cat....OH.MY.CAT.....
What do you think is your most handsome mancat feature?
What is your best pickup line with the ladycats ? Does your Welsh accent help charm the ladies?
Kitties - Callie here. Sassy is not able to finish this interview. When Austin started speaking Welsh, she swooned! I guess, since Austin looks a little like my Sweet Ba-Boo, Kozmo - the most Handsome Mancat in the WORLD, he is okay!
Austin, you are a Hot Mancat of the Blogosphere! Your adoring ladycat fans wants to know:
What do you think is your most handsome mancat feature?
Well, first of all Sassy, thank you very much for inviting me to pawticipate in this prestigious event. It would seem that my white tuxie chest sends ladies, both hooman and kitties, into paroxysms of delighted squeaks and drools. Can't see it myself!!
Describe your perfect ladycat.
Hmmmm! She needs to have pretty furs because I am a mancat and we like pretty furs! I quite like the older ladycat, as they are very experienced ... *winks at Sassy* !!
What would be your idea of the perfect date?
1st November 2007. That's the date I came to CATachresis Towers. Just purrfick! (Editor's note: Emphasis on the "fick")
What is your best pickup line with the ladycats ? Does your Welsh accent help charm the ladies?
I usually say 'Wyt ti isio "CATerwaul" ar y wal yno, efo fi?' Works every time. What ladycat can resist an invitation to do a bit of CATerwauling on the wall with me?
What advice would you give to the ladycats out there who would like to snag a hot mancat like you?
Remember, the way to a mancat's heart is through his stomach. So offer plenty of succulent fresh tuna and if you throw in the odd nip nanner, we will surely live happily ever after.
What advice would you give to all of the hot mancat wannabe’s out there?
If you wannabe hot,
you gotta be cool!
Kitties - Callie here. Sassy is not able to finish this interview. When Austin started speaking Welsh, she swooned! I guess, since Austin looks a little like my Sweet Ba-Boo, Kozmo - the most Handsome Mancat in the WORLD, he is okay!
Monday, November 19, 2012
Monday Musings with Sassy: Human Food Grief
Kitties - Since Mommie has been completely grief stricken over the news that the makers of Ding Dongs is going out of business, I decided to be nice and let her hijack this blog AGAIN! Actually, to tell the truth, I am a little sad about the whole Ding Dong thing myself. Oh, not because I eat them, but because I have discovered the following math formula:
All of this has started Mommie to thinking about other foods that are no longer made that she misses such as:
The More Ding Dongs Mommie Eats = The More Soft Padding in Mommie's Lap for me!
All of this has started Mommie to thinking about other foods that are no longer made that she misses such as:
Big John's Baked Beans

Keebler's Chocolate Fudge Cookies
Mommie was not able to find a picture of these, but they were chocolate fudge sandwich cookies that had a slightly salty flavor. Wonderful for dunking!
Farm Rich Vegetable Sticks
Assorted pieces of vegetables in a yummy (and probably fattening!) coating.
Does your human have any foods she/he wishes was still available?
Thursday, November 15, 2012
A Sunbeam, The Great Peace Maker
Kitties - Apparently a good sunbeam can do anything! Even cause a temporary truce. I sumbit as evidence the following picture. Note the lack of smacky paws, no airplane ears and almost, almost sitting together!
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