Kitties, as you may know, my favorite hobby is annoying Sassy. I have decided to share my knowledge. Feel free to try out any of these tricks on your brofurs or sisfurs.
For purposes of this article, I use the pronoun “she” since I only have a sisfur – but these tricks would work just as well with a brofur!)
1. Wait until she is asleep, then wake her up to ask if she is asleep.
2. Splash water in her dry food bowl, then watch her try to figure out why her food is mushy.
3. Sprinkle hot pepper on her favorite mousie toy, then watch as she rolls around trying to wipe the taste out of her mouth.
4. Hide her ESS, but when she asks if you have seen it, say of course, its right there – don’t you see it? Oh, no, poor Sassy!
5. Copy a random picture off of the internet of a boy kitty, send her an email from anonymous server saying that you are an admirer. Then sit back and enjoy watching as she tries to figure out who he is.
6. Wait until Mommie has left the house to go shopping, then tell her that Mommie told you she was going to pick up your new “Brofur”.
7. Sign her up to receive junk mail from AARC (American Association of Retired Cats).
#5 is my favourite!
Callie, you are SUCH a naughty are our HEROINE! #6 is our's actually happened here!
Hahahaha! You are naughty, but we like you!
Callie, payback is a ladycat just waiting....
Just so you know.
Dear Callie,
All you need to do now, is tell her about Kozmo! and his man cat physique and what a wonderful mouse catcher he is...that should turn her green...
Callie, here's what I do to Ernie. When our mom and dad go to work or someplace else, I tell him that they are never coming home and we're gonna starve. You ought to see him cry like a little baby!! Haha!!
Callie, some of these are mean! How awesome!
Callie, I don't think your relationship counselor is going to approve of any of those things and look what you've done now: you've like TOTALLY incriminated yourself!!
That was a little bit naughty but such fun!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Oh my goodness! Those might be quite useful though!
OMG! So cute!
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