Leo, you are a Hot Mancat of the Blogosphere! Your adoring ladycat fans wants to know:
What do you think is your most handsome mancat feature? Wow, well… My mommy says my big giant extra toed feet is one
of my best features! But so is my great big super long fluffy tail! I also got
really cool eyes, with two shades of green or gold and green.. but mommy can't
seem to get a picture that shows that off…
Describe your perfect ladycat. Oh boy… Soft and pretty and quiet.. I don't mean 'shut up
you loudmouth' kinda quiet, but like… not a huge hissyface! I don't like being
hissed at.. I guess my perfect ladycat would be a lover, not a fighter. A
snuggler, not a snarler.
What would be your idea of the perfect date? Has Star ever helped you get a date?BWHAHAHAHAHA Star?? Help me get a date??? Look, the only
date Star wants to see me on is with the wood chipper… Stop snickering at me
Star or I'm tellin' mom! Ok ok, serious now.. A perfect date would include some good foods, lots of toys, romping around, and maybe a quiet snuggle after we wear ourselves out playing. I guess.. that might sound kinda goofy.. but I'm still kinda young, I wanna play!
What is your best pickup line with the ladycats ? Um… Gosh… "Wanna see my feather collection?" hee
What advice would you give to the ladycats out there who
would like to snag a hot mancat like you? Don't be hissy! No, seriously. Having fun is the best way to
get to know a fella, so if you wanna be my girl, play with me and we'll see if
we're compatible! 'Cause if you're too uptight to bat around a mousie or two,
you might not wanna be with a fun-lovin' guycat like me..jpg)
What advice would you give to all of the hot mancat
wannabe’s out there? Ok, dudes… This is a biggie so listen carefully… Girlcats
like cleanliness. So brush the nip outta yer fur, lick the foods off yer face,
fluff your tail and make sure… *whispers* there are no clingons.. if you catch
my drift? Get spiffy and you'll catch their eye, then maybe they'll do the
chasin'! Whoo hoo!
Sassy here kitties. So are there any ladycats out there interested in a shy, but handsome mancat??
Sassy here kitties. So are there any ladycats out there interested in a shy, but handsome mancat??
Watch out Leo! No ladycat will be able to resist you!!
Whoa! Leo is one handsome mancat...the ladycats will love him!
Dearest Sweet Pea,
I sure hope you were not there when Callie was interviewing Leo. Nellie thinks he is quite a catch and says if she was 10 years younger she would be on him like white on rice!
Happy New Year!
Wow, double dose of Leo today - I also saw Savannah's interview with him and Star! Leo is an awesome mancat! You were so lucky to get to interview him!
Leo sounds like a real nice guy! :)
R sister haz swooned:)
leo; ya got it goin on dood...nice sorta kinda tocks shot two... by de way !!!
Leo - you is a hot mancat, but we are afraid Ivy cannot apply for the position of ladycat....too hissy MOL
Have a great New Year!
You better watch out for all the aldycat´s that will sit outside your house after this Hot Mancat post !
Oh my gosh!! I didn't realize that today was Leo's Hot Mancat day!!! Oh boy are we excited around here to see this!!
Thank you, Sassy, for featuring my sweet boy!
Leo says: Wow, you really posted it! I'm a hot mancat!? Cool! Thank you Sassy! You rock!
"Wanna see my feather collection?"
Hee, hee! That is a great line, Leo!
Whoa! Leo is all over the place this week. He's the mancat to know for sure.
HA HA HA! As if any respectable LadyCat could be interested in that little BARBARIAN! Poor darling Star having to put up with him....well, it just breaks my heart. Star darling? I'm on my way over....Hold on....!
Leo you must surely be the Mancat of the Moment.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Oh LEO! YOu look fantastic and I LOVE your answers.
Carmine here. I'd set you up with Lita, but I think she would be too bossy for you! Sometimes, I try to play with her and she gets all hissy. But that just makes me want to play with her more, MOL!!
I am sure you will find a nice ladycat, you are a handsome mancat like me. :)
Hi Girls....well, especially Sassy! Hope 2013 is being good to you so far! XOXOXO
Me, Chouchou!! I'm interested!! I like a shy mancat...I've had enough of my brother Elioth and his bossy ways...I think a shy guy would be the perfect mancat for me and boy, Leo is one schmexy hot mancat!! MEEEEOOOOOOWWW!! Kisses, Chouchou (over at Weezdabadcats & Dameendawgs)
We hope you find your perfect quiet ladycat.
Leo, you has a gorgeous tail. We thinks lots of ladycats will be purring at your door.
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