Mommie used to try to take me out at different times of the day. She had to do that because when word got out that I was strollerin’, the drivers would stop their cars to watch me, crowds would line the sidewalks, all screaming at me to please just give them one of my sweet meows. (Mommie: We went for walks at different times because of my work schedule in reality)
Once while out strollerin’, a big black limo pulled up next to us. Now at first, remembering my undercover work against the Dog Mafia I had done for the FBI (Feline Bureau of Investigation) I was worried. But it turned out to just be Jerry Jones wanting to know if he could rename the Dallas Cowboys to the Dallas Calicos in my honor. (Mommie: Well, considering the season they had last year, this might not have been a bad idea)
Perhaps the most exciting thing we had happen while out strollerin’ was the day we were surrounded by a wild pack of vicious attack dogs. Their leader was a huge, wild eyed Rottweiler. He was wearing a spike collar and a leather coat. The name on his collar was “Pain”. Knowing that these ferocious, brutal bullies could hurt my Mommie, I immediately sprang into action. I gave one of my patented “Pay Attention” hisses. All of the dogs immediately yelped, tucked in their tails and ran off. I especially scared their leader, Pain. He actually went home, saw the error of his ways, moved to Tibet and joined a monastery. I still hear from him occasionally. His name is now Serenity and you know for a dog with a really deep bark, he is actually pretty good at chanting. (Mommie: Trouble, a dog that chants? No, just no.)
Trouble you really do tell the best stories!
MOL, oh Trouble, you're awesome, you know that? Just awesome!
Well I have head of dogs joining a monestery but I never knew why, until now!
Wow, I can't wait until the weather warms up so you can go out strollering again! You might get a chance to save the world!
Yous a girl after my own heart! Me should have asked yous to goes along with Kozmo to gets Mr Chirpy. Everytime he calls me he whines. This last time, He does not like french fried fish!
Oh Callie, You guys don't really root for the Cowgirls do you? Heh heh.
It's not ME saying that, you know. The Human can't help herself.
We really like the idea of the Dallas Calicos! Wouldn't it be fun to rename all professional teams? There could be the Hissies, the Furbabies...
Trouble, we like your version of this story!!
Trouble I LOVE your stories !
Tell your mom that she can stop doing her red comments ;-)
We are sure that your under stated version of this story is correct Trouble and your Mum just goes a little over the top with her descriptions.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Trouble, we LOVED your stories! You are an excellent story teller.
xo Katie
You have the most exciting adventures Callie.
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